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Kurdish 'Arab Idol' Parwas Hussein contestant promotes Iraqi Kurdistan ERBIL-Hewlêr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— When she stepped into the realm of art and music as a contestant on the Arab talent show Arab Idol, Parwas Hussein did not know that she would become an idol in the eyes of the people of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region and gain widespread popularity. Hussein, 26, has become a national idol after being accepted to the show, which airs on MBC every Friday and Saturday. Not content with merely voting by SMS, the standard way to keep participants on the show, the Kurdish people sent an official diplomatic delegation to Beirut to support Hussein. Hussein... Read More »![]() Kurdistan Region-Iraq News in brief. June 12, 2013 Kurdish opposition discusses its candidate for the presidency of the province next week. Slêmanî: The three Kurdish opposition parties, which are (Change Movement, Islamic Union and the Islamic Community, would discuss next week to agree on a candidate for the post of President of Kurdistan. Mohamed Haji, the organizer of the political relations in the (change movement) said: "The three opposition parties will meet next week to discuss the nomination of a suitable person for the post of president of the region." He added: "We, in the movement, prefer to have one opposition candidate, and... Read More »![]() Bring Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani to trial for war crimes!: An open letter to UN General Assembly & the US Attorney General By Human Rights Activists: ERBIL-Hewlêr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq', — To: The President of The United Nations General Assembly, H.E. Vuk Jeremić, and H.E. Eric H. Holder, Jr, The US Attorney General , and their successors in office. RE Iraqi Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani. We, a set of Human Rights activists, intellectuals and politicians in Iraqi Kurdistan and other countries, wish to uphold The United Nations Charter, The 1998 Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court, The Hague and Geneva Conventions and the Rule of International Law, especially in respect of: 1: 1949... Read More »![]() Police detain France Telecom chief in 'Tapie Affair' investigation, but not for Korek case PARIS,— France Télécom SA Chief Executive Stéphane Richard was detained by police Monday morning for questioning as part of an investigation into the possible misuse of public funds while he was an official at the French Finance Ministry. A spokeswoman for the Paris prosecutor's office said Mr. Richard could be held for as much as 48 hours while he is being questioned, as investigators decide whether to put him under formal investigation or release him. A spokesman for France Télécom said Mr. Richard's detention "is a normal measure in this type of investigation." He said Mr. Richard's duties... Read More »![]() 'Kurds have to prepare for all sorts of scenarios': Syria's PYD No armed group has the right to enter the West. We have no problems with groups who fight the Syrian regime. But, today there is no Syrian government presence in Afrin. Some parties -- in the name of Kurdish struggle -- bring looters and bandits to Afrin. Why do you bring these bandits to the cities? If you are really concerned about the freedom of the Syrian people, then go fight in Aleppo, Homs, and Damascus. We are not against that. We, as a political force, also oppose the same regime. In Aleppo, the regime shells Kurdish neighborhoods. In Afrin armed groups do this! The people resist both the... Read More »![]() Q&A: Iraqi Kurdistan region's draft constitution ERBIL-Hewlêr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— The fate of Kurdistan Region's draft constitution has been dominating the political scene for some months now, triggering the deepest political controversy and a first major rift between the two ruling parties. But it was not all unexpected, as numerous key matters hinge on this important document, chiefly the political career of the regional president. The contentious draft constitution of the semi autonomous region was approved by an outright parliamentary majority in 2009; except that was weeks before the birth of the opposition Gorran (Change)... Read More »![]() Over 1,000 Iraqi Kurdish soldiers desert army KIRKUK, Iraq's border with Kurdistan region,— More than 1,000 Kurdish career soldiers in the Iraqi army have deserted and want to be integrated into forces loyal to Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region, officials said on Tuesday. The move comes after the Kurdish troops disobeyed orders to take part in an operation ordered by the Shiite-led government in Baghdad against a mainly Sunni Arab town. If their request is fulfilled, such a mass defection would deal a heavy blow to Iraq's stretched armed forces as they grapple with a surge in violence that has sparked fears of renewed sectarian... Read More »![]() Iraqi protesters determine four options to end the crisis, include formation of a region BAGHDAD,—Spokesman of the "popular movement" of the protestors in the six provinces of Iraq said on Tuesday, that they have four options to resolve the current crisis, most prominently, the formation of a region. Claims have escalated in the recent period to form a region that combines Sunni provinces. But Sunni politicians and even religion men seems to be divided on this issue. Government parties say that the idea of Iraqi Sunni region is supported externally. "We have four options, the first is the replacement of Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, split, formation of a region, or confrontation," the... Read More »![]() Kurdistan Region-Iraq News in brief. June 11, 2013 Mahmoud Othman: Barzani-Maliki's agreement is "non-transparent and mysterious" Baghdad: The leader figure and Independent MP, of the Kurdistan Alliance, Mahmoud Othman described the recent agreement between Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani as "non-transparent and mysterious." He said in a statement to the National Iraqi News "the agreement between the two sides did not address the details and show how to find solutions to outstanding problems between the Governments of the region and the center and timings to solve them, noting that "the... Read More »![]() Kurdish traditional footwear thrives in Iraqi Kurdistan town of Halabja HALABJA, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— Between pots of glue and scraps of cotton, Bahjat Majeed sits cross-legged in his tiny workshop, putting the final touches on a pair of handmade shoes traditionally crafted in his hometown of Halabja. The meticulously-crafted "klash" (Klaş), which trace their roots back several hundred years, remain a key feature of Kurdish culture even as the three-province autonomous Kurdistan region in Iraq's north (Southern Kurdistan) has seen breakneck economic development. The shoes feature soles made of cotton fabrics and cow hide, and upper vamps that are... Read More »![]() People with disabilities in Iraqi Kurdistan threaten to boycott elections SLÊMANÎ, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— People with disabilities in Kurdistan threatened that they will boycott the parliamentary elections and presidential elections in Kurdistan region in protest for the government's not fulfilling their promises, confirming the presence of 700 thousand people with disabilities in Kurdistan and will have a serious position toward the government's neglect. Reports from Sulaimaniyah (Slêmanî) said "the numbers of People with disabilities wore black and organized mourning ceremony by lifting a symbolic coffin that contains a number of laws and seven promises made by... Read More »![]() Syrian Arab rebels clash with Kurdish militias Renewed clashes between Syrian insurgents and Kurdish groups have erupted in the province of Aleppo and quickly spread to other cities in northern Syria. Several combatants have been killed in fights between Liwa al-Tawhid and its allies and the Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG) since May 25 in the countryside of northern Aleppo, after Syrian rebels accused the Kurdish armed group of supporting the besieged Shiite towns of Nubul and Zahra. The fighting is leading to worsening conditions for the Kurdish-dominated district of Efrin, where thousands of Arabs and Kurds fled after... Read More »![]() Iraqi Kurdistan parties agree on controversial information law ERBIL-Hewlêr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— After three years of negotiations on the law regarding the right to information in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the ruling bloc, comprised of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), and the opposition, the Movement for Change, Jamaa Islamiya and the Kurdistan Islamic Union, reached a consensus on a formula to grant exceptions to this controversial law. In a regular session held Monday [June 3], the Kurdistan Region of Iraq parliament approved a number of military, security, political and personal exceptions in... Read More »![]() Turkish Protests, Kurdish Indifference By Kani Xulam: For centuries, the old Ottoman Turkish Empire ruled half the world. Is it rising again? Does the "Arab Spring" naïvely nurture the tyrannical seeds of a Kurdish winter of nightmarish despair? The old Turkish imperialism was finally checked at the gates of Vienna in 1683. Three hundred years later, the Poles and Austrians still celebrate the defeat of "Terrible Turk." On June 1, 2013, the Turkish police withdrew from Gezi Park in Istanbul—the first time that police were checked by the power of people in Turkey. I immediately thought of Kurds, my people, and the beginning of their... Read More »![]() Kurdish female authors face uphill battle in Iraqi Kurdistan SLÊMANÎ, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— Female authors and books on women's issues have a hard time finding publishers and buyers in the Kurdistan Region, writers and publishers complain. "Even if you have a very important book ready, a book that tackles an important women's issue, when you try to get permission to publish you run into a load of difficulties," says Fawzi Manmi, whose book is currently on bookstands. Booksellers in Slêmanî (Sulaimaniyah) city say that they allocate large shelf space to books written by women. Muhammed Kurdo, director of the Slêmanî Publishing House... Read More »![]() Kurdistan Region-Iraq News in brief. June 10, 2013 US Embassy welcomes Cabinet's meeting in Erbil. Baghdad: The United States Embassy in Baghdad welcomed the Cabinet's meeting in Erbil, Kurdistan Region. In a statement to the press on Sunday, June 9, the Embassy expressed welcome for holding the Iraqi Cabinet its meeting, as well as the accompanying meetings, in Erbil, including the meeting held between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the Region's President, Massoud Barzani and its Prime Minister, Nechirvan Barzani, which came after the unity meeting hosted by Ammar al-Hakeem. The statement went on, "This is another sign... Read More »![]() Iraqi PM visit to Kurdistan results in joint committees to resolve disputes ERBIL-Hewlêr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— In the biggest step forward in nearly two years of talks, Baghdad and Erbil agreed Sunday to have joint committees study and advise on solutions to their serious territorial, energy and budget rows. The decision to form the seven joint committees, between the central government in Baghdad and the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), was taken during a visit to Erbil by Iraqi Prime Minster Nuri al-Maliki, who has been trying to soften to the Kurds as he faces a Sunni uprising and spiraling sectarian violence. The committees will work mainly to... Read More »![]() Iraq cabinet meets in Kurdistan to defuse tensions ERBIL-Hewlêr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— Iraq's premier led a landmark cabinet meeting in the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region on Sunday to defuse tensions linked to a multitude of disputes that diplomats warn are among its biggest threats to stability. The long-running rows have provoked sharp exchanges between the two sides, and while no tangible measures were agreed at the meeting, the mere fact that talks took place was seen as a positive sign. Violence meanwhile has been rising to levels not seen since 2008 as the Shiite-led government has struggled to head off months... Read More »![]() Asiacell, Zain, Korek dreams and reality By Benaw Izzat: ERBIL-Hewlêr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq', — Bravo! The Iraqi Stock Exchange market capitalization doubled with Asiacell IPO in early February 2013, it now represents $9,8 billion and Asiacell itself has a company value of $ 4,7 billion. On the first day of trading the share jumped 10% while Qatar Telecom used the public offering to raise its stake in Asiacell up to 64%. Since then it quickly came back to the offering price of 22IDQ, Asiacell disappeared from the business news, there is no speculative fever, no articles in the newspapers, no analysis. Where are they all gone? Well it... Read More »![]() Retired US generals and politicians allegedly reaping oil profits from Iraq's Kurdistan ERBIL-Hewlêr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— A former Kurdish official claims that a group of retired American generals negotiated Iraqi Kurdistan's oil contracts with the knowledge of Kurdistan's US representative. Heyrsh Abdulrahman - who has made the statement - served as deputy of the Kurdistan Regional Government's US representative between 2004 and 2009. In an interview with the local newspaper Hawlati, Abdulrahman says retired American generals and politicians have shares Kurdistan's oil deals. Kurdistan's regional government has so far signed around fifty oil contracts... Read More »![]() Talks on deals and replacement of Iraqi president Talabani: newspapers BAGHDAD,— Iraqi press continued Wednesday their follow up of Iraqi Premier Nuri al-Maliki's visit to Erbil, Kurdistan region, and the agreements reached there. Al-Mashriq daily reported that "political rumors on Erbil meetings contained a deal between Maliki and Barzani on Kirkuk question". Kirkuk question is one of the disputed cases between Baghdad and Erbil, as well as other political entities. The paper added that Maliki-Barzani meeting was of "protocol type to lessen the differences between the two sides". Kurdish MP Mahmoud Othman, as reported by the paper, declared that the... Read More »![]() Iraq's deputy PM says no deal so far on Iraq, Kurdistan oil payments BAGHDAD,— No agreement has been reached between Iraq and Kurdistan on payments to oil companies working in the autonomous region despite a meeting this week between Baghdad and Kurdish leaders, Deputy Prime Minister Hussain al-Shahristani said on Wednesday. Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki visited Kurdistan on Sunday for talks with Kurdish officials in a symbolic step to ending their long-running feud over oil and land, but there was little concrete progress. Kurdistan says it is owed more than 4 trillion Iraqi dinars, or $3.5 billion by Baghdad to cover the costs accumulated... Read More »![]() | ||||
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
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