Monday, October 26, 2015

Daily Skimm: Monday funday

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Skimm’d after watching the Giants win. 

“Sincere apologies to all the patrons of the quiet car that were offended” – New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s spokesperson. On an Amtrak yesterday, the GOP candidate broke the first rule of the quiet car: you do not talk in the quiet car.



Yesterday, European leaders had an emergency meeting. On the agenda: the continent’s migrant and refugee crisis, which could soon get a lot worse.


In recent years, places like Syria, Iraq, and North Africa have been more of a mess than usual – making lots of people desperate to leave. So far this year, more than half a million migrants and refugees have come to the EU by boat or land, and thousands have died trying. The EU has struggled to come up with a plan to deal with the crisis that member nations can agree on. And in the meantime, European border countries are  overwhelmed by people knocking on their door.


Winter is on the way, which means conditions for the migrants and refugees are about to get much harsher. At yesterdays meeting, leaders agreed that they should work together on getting aid to border countries and making sure people traveling into the EU are registered. 


This is the worst migrant and refugee crisis since the end of World War II. And it comes as EU member countries are still really divided on how to respond. Some (think: Germany) are saying ‘come one, come all,’ while others (think: Hungary) are saying ‘not in my backyard.’

THE *: Want more background? We Skimm’d it for you.



Things are about to change. Yesterday, Argentina headed to the polls, and said ‘so long’ to outgoing President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. She has to leave her spot as Argentina’s numero uno after serving two terms. Before that, her late husband was prez. Leading up to the election, it looked like a guy named Daniel Scioli - who Kirchner endorsed - would win. But opposition candidate Mauricio Macri surprised everyone yesterday with strong support at the polls. So strong that Scioli and Macri will now face each other in a run-off election next month. Whoever wins has big shoes to fill, since left-leaning Kirchner is still very popular in Argentina. In the US, not so much. Ever since Argentina defaulted on its debt in 2001, the government’s been arguing with US hedge funds about how much it owes. So whoever gets handed the presidency will also get handed this years-long legal battle and a meh economy. Good times. Meanwhile, yesterday was a big day for swiping V-cards in other countries too


None of the above. Over the weekend, President Obama became every kid’s hero when he called for less standardized testing  in schools. It’s a big reversal, since in the past he’s pushed for more testing. But after hearing from stressed out students, teachers, and parents, Obama’s decided that a lot of these tests are unnecessary, and shouldn’t be the only measurement of academic performance. Now, he’s suggesting that no more than two percent of class time should be spent filling out bubble sheets. Next, it’s up to Congress to decide whether or not to actually change the rules.


Fake-out. Over the weekend, Hurricane Patricia went from being called ‘one of the strongest storms ever recorded’ to just a really bad rainstorm. It hit Mexico on Friday, and then took a detour into the mountains. So most of the country dodged the hurricane bullet. No deaths have been reported so far. Patricia’s now messing with Texas, where there’s been two days of heavy rain.


Amortization: Kind of like deciding to run your first marathon. You make a schedule, the schedule seems overwhelming at first, but it’s supposed to get easier over time. A fixed payment schedule structures your student loans like mortgage payments. Which is good because the schedule helps you pay off your interest first and then, over time, more of it goes towards the principal. Boom. But if you miss a payment, it can affect your credit. Womp. Pay off as much as you can, as soon as you can, so you can lose that balance.


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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

hand made canvas rucksack.

I looked through the photographs and the write up and by far it was the best choice I had seen so paid my money and awaited it being delivered.
I was not to be disappointed and had everything in a rucksack that some more expensive fishing bags did not.
Its made from cotton canvas which is relatively waterproof in its own right, but just to be on the safe side its also fitted with a waterproof liner and a waterproof cover which when not being used slips into its own zipped pocket at the bottom of the bag.
The fasteners and zip fittings are all cowhide and the zips are heavy duty. There is 3 external small pockets for bits & pieces and inside there is a zipped pocket to keep securely your tickets, phone etc, as well as the main compartment which has a few ways of getting into it.
You can either go in through the top like a conventional rucksack or if like me you only carry a small amount of tackle then it can be stored in the bottom part which is accessible through a zip on the back of the rucksack.

kata sandi facebook yang bagus. | Bikin Password Unik Tapi Mudah Diingat

Kata sandi facebook yang bagus. Bikin Password Unik Tapi Mudah Diingat

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Menggunakan kata "password" sebagai kata sandi komputer adalah pilihan yang buruk, kecuali jika kamu menginginkan datamu menjadi sasaran empuk para peretas.

Kata sandi "password" berada di urutan pertama dalam daftar kata sandi terburuk yang dikeluarkan penyedia aplikasi SplashData setiap tahunnya (termasuk kata "Passw0rd," dengan angka nol yang berada di peringkat 18). Pemilihan kata sandi terburuk itu berdasarkan kebiasaan pengguna menggunakan kata sandi tersebut.
Daftar itu berisikan kata sandi yang mudah ditebak seperti urutan nomor yang berdekatan atau selara dengan huruf pada keyboard ("qwerty" dan "123456") serta nama-nama umum seperti "Ashley" dan "michael". Pilihan umum lainnya seperti "monkey" dan "shadow".
Sama seperti beberapa laman Internet yang mewajibkan pengguna memasukan campuran angka dan huruf dalam kata sandi, masuk akal bilan pilihan bervariasi, seperti "ABC123" dan "trustno1" adalah pilihan populer.
SplashData membuat rangking berdasarkan jutaan kata sandi yang tercuri dan dipasang online oleh peretas.  Berikut adalah daftar tersebut :
Bikin Password Unik Tapi Mudah Diingat

    1. password

    2. 123456


    4. qwerty

    5. abc123

    6. monkey

    7. 1234567

    8. letmein

    9. trustno1

    10. dragon

    11. baseball

    12. 111111

    13. iloveyou

    14. master

    15. sunshine

    16. ashley

    17. bailey

    18. passw0rd

    19. shadow

    20. 123123

    21. 654321

    22. superman

    23. qazwsx

    24. michael

    25. football

“Kami tidak dapat berhenti menggeleng kepala saat melihat daftar kata sandi yang paling umum pada tahun 2016. Bahkan, 4 dari 10 password di daftar tersebut tidak melewati 6 karakter,” ungkap para peneliti lewat sebuah blog. “Fakta ini sangat mencengangkan, karena teknologi cracking (atau hacking) zaman sekarang dapat menguraikan semua kata sandi tersebut dalam beberapa detik.” Waduh!

kata sandi facebook yang bagus. 
Kepala Eksekuitf SplashData Morgan Slain mendesak para pengusaha dan konsumen yang menggunakan kata sandi dalam daftar di atas untuk mengubahnya segera.
"Para peretas dapat dengan mudah membobol akun pengguna hanya dengan berulang kali mencoba kata sandi umum,"kata Slain."Meskipuan ada beberapa orang memilih kata sandi  yang aman dan kuat, banyak orang yang memilih kata sandi yang lemah, mudah ditebak dan rawan ditipu serta dicuri identitasnya."

 Bikin Password Unik Tapi Mudah Diingat SplashData memberikan beberapa tips untuk memilih kata sandi yang aman :

    Variasikan jenis karakter kata sandi anda, termasuk angka, huruf dan karakter khusus.
    Pilih kata sandi dengan delapan karakter atau lebih. Pisahkan kata-kata singkat dengan spasi atau garis bawah.
    Jangan menggunakan kata sandi yang sama dan kombinasi nama pengguna untuk beberapa situs Web. Gunakan  kata sandi manager online untuk melacak akun yang berbeda.

Sumber : Antara

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Biasanya, sebuah USB berbentuk sederhana seperti mainan

Biasanya, sebuah USB berbentuk sederhana seperti mainan batu Lego yang dapat berfungsi sebagai pembuka botol dan alat pemotong sesuatu. Luar biasanya, perancang Ti Chang dan Michael Topolovac dari San Francisco melakukan hal beda dengan membuat USB yang dapat berfungsi sebagai sex toy atau alat bantu seksual. USB yang berkapasitas 16 GB itu memadukan vibrator atau alat penggetar seksual dapat terhubung ke berbagai port komputer. Kedua perancang itu diilhami setelah mendengar keluhan kaum perempuan yang kesulitan melakukan pengisian daya pada vibratornya.
Topolovac mengatakan, "Dua teman wanitanya mengekspresikan rasa frustrasi atas suatu produk dengan berbelanja di dunia Sex Toy. "Saya terjebak di antara dua kesenjangan antara memuaskan keinginan perempuan dan ketersediaan alat untuk menyalurkannya." Perangkat itu terbuat dari silikon yang aman bagi tubuh dan logam dengan motor ganda yang menghasilkan suara senyap dan lima level untuk meningkatkan daya getarannya, "Anda melihat USB itu ketika dicolokan di laptop, melakukan pengisian otomotis dan tidak terlihat seperti vibrator," kata Chang kepada New York Daily News. Dia (Chang) telah frustrasi dengan vibarator yang murah dan buruk di pasar. "Serius, apakah ada perangkat lain yang dapat memuaskan anda selain alat ini? Dengan membantu kesenangan perempuan, saya juga membuat dunia menjadi lebih baik," tulisnya di laman perusahaan.
Menurut laman mereka di, perangkat itu tahan air hingga tiga meter dan tersedia dalam tiga warna. Perangkat dapat bertahan (stand by) selama empat jam. Produk itu didanai CKIE, yang merupakan platform crowdfunding. Para pendukung yang membayar $ 75 dijanjikan akan mendapatkan produk senilai $ 139 pada saat peluncuran, dengan diskon yang sama untuk model yang lebih mahal. Hampir 300 orang telah mendukung produk tersebut. Perangkat itu akan dijual senilai $ 139 dan $ 349, demikian Daily Mail.

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